Tuesday, October 11, 2011

MIchigan Living: Fall Week 14

So everyone is healthy again-- Hallelujah! And this week had a regular amount of adventure to it...

To start, Emily began a new job. She's working as a para-pro at a local elementary school (kind of like a one-on-one aid with kids who have special needs). Every day ping-pongs between great and terrible, depending on the kid's mood!

Friday was DeWitt's Homecoming which began with a parade cruising down one of the main streets, a tailgate party at the local Junior High, and of course the Homecoming Game... all super fun!

Saturday Chris got to be the uber-cool guest speaker for Northpointe Community Church's Men's breakfast... mainly because he's the new guy and nobody is totally bored with him-- yet! 75 men and some 'soon-to-be-men' spent the morning looking at what it means to be a Biblical man from the book of Genesis... and ate a lot o' sausage.

The rest of the day was spent in Grand Ledge (about 20 minutes away) at the Fall Color Festival... basically half a day spent walking through some awesome looking trees, eating some fresh kettle corn, making rings from horseshoe nails, and sampling maple syrup cotton candy... tough day, huh?!?

So we started this blog back in June under the premise that we would probably die in Michigan, and at least we could all get a good laugh out of it. Well, we're still alive and totally loving it... and for all you CA friends-- the temps have been around 72 degrees during the day and 50 degrees in the evening... tough huh! And just to hammer home the point, here's what we see outside out kitchen window every morning!

Jealous? Yeah, I know...

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