Last week in our Blog we shared about the "unseasonably warm" temperatures...well those are officially over!!!

This week started off mild but then by Thursday, Friday & Saturday it got really cold and dumped about 2 1/2 - 3 inches of snow. Most of the snow fell Thursday over night so Friday morning was an adventure! We woke to the ground covered in snow with a few flurries still falling, so we began the process of taking the girls to school...this included digging the car out & scrapping ice off windows! Once in the car at about 7:15 a.m., we saw that the roads had not yet been cleared. For all you Michiganders, we were the slow pokes out there driving about 20 miles per hour & trying not to slip -n- slide into others (sorry if we held you up...although some in MI drive way to fast for the conditions so I think we should be thanked for saving your life!!!) Actually, the car did great and the girls made it to school safety. We even continued the fun and drove out to St. Johns to do breakfast with some friends.

After all the fun of driving in the snow I thought we should get outside and enjoy the white stuff, so today (Sunday) we donned the snow gear...loaded the sleds into the car and headed for the high school which has some great hills to sled down. We had a blast & nobody got hurt...which equals a good day!!!

Finally, for those who saw in lasts weeks blog our pictures of painting pottery for Danielle's birthday... well here are the finished products (Em drove to Lansing on Thursday before all the snow to pick them up...