Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Michigan Living: Winter Weeks 25-26

WOW! Christmas flew by-- New Years flew by-- and it's only about 20 degrees outside!

Christmas Stuff:

Rebekah had her Holiday Choir concert- filled with all your holiday favorites like "Your a Mean One Mr. Grinch", "Sleigh Bells", "Holiday Romance" (What?), and an acapella rendition of "Carol of the Bells".

We also went to the Jackson County Fairgrounds to drive through a couple miles of lighted fairgrounds. Check out the video...

We spent Christmas Eve at Potter Park Zoo, which is free and desolate during the winter. The weather was sunny and 40 degrees, and the girls made good friends with the monkeys. Check out the video...

New Years Eve was spent in a massive Just Dance 3 party at our house, which was made up of three female and one male Carter. EPIC! (And no video!)

And the weather continually creeps colder and colder... last night the temps were about 15 degrees with a wind chill of 0-- that's pretty cold, eh? Not a lot of snow --yet (at least that's what the locals keep saying)-- but any flurry we get Chris or Em jump in the car to practice their snow driving. So far the biggest lesson we learned is that Michiganders slow down for nothing. It could be the middle of blizzard with roads iced over and folks would still be going 5 miles over the speed limit. I've never been the 'slow old man holding up traffic' before, but I'm wearing it pretty well right now!

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