Saturday, August 6, 2011

Michigan Living: Summer Week 5

I think the overall word for this week was fear-- but a good kind of fear, sort of. It started with Danielle wanting a pet, and the only pet that is low maintenance is a fish. However we haven't had good luck with fish = fear. We also discovered a bunch of new restaurants, coffee and snack places so I fear I will be 9,387 pounds before winter (which might come in handy for a warm winter coat!)...

We were all happy when the new family brought us home... what's happening... should I walk towards the light... grandpa Joe?

Fish (round two):
We are happy to get out of the tank with all those looser fish! Obviously we are pretty cool if the cute little girl picked us out! So happy, we can't tell you how excited-- (insert dramatic fishy death scene here)

So we Jack Kevorkianed a total of 4 fish in one week, even Jack wasn't that efficient! And by Saturday (today) we gave up... turned ourselves in to the authorities...gave up all our fish gear... and have sworn off fish forever (again).

On the happier side of fear, we've eaten at:
McAlister's Deli, Ukai Hibachi Grill and Sushi Bar, carmel scones from Horrock's Market, pulled pork from the Island Art Festival, Wild Zebra/Butter Bear/Mint Hot Chocolate/Pina Colada smoothie from BIGGBY Coffee, Carmel Apple Spice/White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks, awesomeness from The Noodle Company, Hungry Howie's Pizza... you see my point about gaining a thick winter layer!

We did do a couple of very cool things in the midst of all that eating:
- Visited Michigan's Capitol building in Lansing. What a gorgeous day! And such a simpler and more pleasant experience than the havoc that came with California's Capitol in Sacramento! And we didn't even get a ticket from MI Parking Authority (but we were looking for camera crews from TLC's Parking Wars).

-Spent the day (at least the non-rainy portion) in Grand Ledge (about 20 minutes from us) at their annual Island Art Festival. The art/craft fair is held at a park that is literally on an island- the only way to get there is by a foot bridge (or a kayak I suppose). From the island they sell rides on a river boat, complete with early 20th century Americana style music (exactly what you would expect from an old time river boat experience). It was one of the coolest things we've experienced so far!

So pray for us-- our new search is for a gym membership!

Emily: In the middle of all our fun, I got to fight with the post office! Can it be so difficult to put a small package (literally only twice as big as a regular envelope) in the same box as the junk mail? I mean, you put the tire store advertisement, and the bills in there, can't you put my cool new shirt from Woman's Running in there too? Sigh...

Danielle: It was kind of a weird experience having four fish die... now Bekah and I are trying to talk mom and dad into getting a chameleon named Rango! If you ever come to MI to visit us you have to go to BIGGBY coffee and get the Butter Bear!!! (It's butterscotch and caramel!)

Bekah: One day this week I saw turkeys in our yard. So I asked my friend, "Is it normal for turkeys to be running around?" She said, "Yep, there's lots of wild turkey in Michigan!" Okay...

1 comment:

  1. Update:
    The family played WII Fit last night and according to that Emily lost some pounds and Chris has stayed the same. Hmmm... Michigan food travels differently through the body???

    And it's still a 'NO' on the Chameleon, but we do have a number of mosquitoes living inside with us! That counts as a pet, right?
