Saturday, August 20, 2011

MIchigan Living: Summer Week 7

Lots of stuff going on this week! Let's start with the girls...

Danielle and Rebekah both got haircuts in prep for school from a cute little salon called The Bridge Street Hair Co right in downtown DeWitt, and both absolutely loved it!

Both girls also got their school schedules... Danielle will have five teachers (one primary, but four other teachers and classes her whole class will switch to). Rebekah, on the other hand, has a whole new world to figure out. She has an "A-B" schedule, which means Day 1 is an "A" day (she goes to 4 of her 8 classes), and then Day 2 is a "B" day (she goes to the other 4 of her 8 classes). And it keeps going like that until her classes change at the semester break... at least that's how I think it works. We're glad Rebekah gets to figure it out because she's way smarter than I am!

This week we (the ladies) got to visit the Potter Park Zoo. Favorite animal for all three = meerkats!

We also visited Lake Michigan-- which is something you HAVE TO DO if you live anywhere near MI. So here's the deal: when we moved from CA we were all a little bummed about leaving the beach/ocean and while MI locals talk about how Lake Michigan is just like a beach, we thought "No way!". Well, the locals were wrong. Lake Michigan is way better than the beach. Here's our normal Pismo/Refugio Beach experience: arrive at 11:30 to fog, light drizzle, and 60 degrees. Set up beach stuff and snuggle into our sweaters and beach towels to attempt to stay warm. Somewhere around 2:00 when the fog lifts because the wind is picking up we decide to go home, but notice that we all have tar on our feet AFTER we get into the vehicle and stain it into the upholstery. And did I mention that we never got in the water because it was too cold?

Compare that to our Lake Michigan experience: arrived at 11:30 to bright sun, a very slight breeze, and 78 degrees. Set up beach stuff and eat a quick picnic lunch, after which we spend an hour in the water (which is awful warm). After we begin to 'prune up' we decide to walk the beach to the lighthouse out on the peer and out feet get slightly cooked from the heat reflecting off the sand (we walk back along the water to keep our feet cool!)

After a snooze on the beach we spend another 30 minutes in the water to cool down. Around 3:30 we decide to head home (because we're hungry again!) and stop at three local farms to snack on fresh made bread, freshly picked blueberries, and some sort of hand-rolled fruit thing that tastes exactly like apple pie. You decide which sounds like the better Beach day. Oh, and did I mention that nothing is all salty-crusty because Lake Michigan is "unsalted"?

And to finish it all off, today was the DeWitt (that's the town we live in) Ox Roast. Pretty much like what you would expect with any small town fair/festival (think Flower Festival for you Lompocians) , but possibly centered about the roasting of an Ox? The big food sellers are "Elephant Ears" and 'Ox Burgers". Couldn't figure out if Ox Burgers have any Ox in them, or simply roast beef, but the Elephant Ears have no trace of elephant in them-- but a whole lot of Churro style fried goodness covered by cinnamon sugar! The two things we enjoyed most had to be Hometown Idol (local version of American Idol) and the frog jumping competition (exactly what it sounds like!). Around 2:00 we had to head home because of the weekly thunder storm (at least it feels like it rains here at least once a week- which isn't a bad thing 'cause you never have to water your lawn and everything is so green!)

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