Sunday, September 11, 2011

Michigan Living: Summer Week 10

Maybe we could call this the first "normal" week... wasn't really filled with too many odd MI adventures, just a good, solid week!

School began for both girls this week and went great! Other than the fact that everyone has to be up at 6:15 to get Bekah to school by 7:30 no problems! Super cool! And of course we had to have an "after first day of school" celebration at BIGGBY...

Rebekah also finally finished her extended birthday bash with 10 friends at Playing Picasso (a paint-your-own-pottery place). She had a great time with some great girls!

(As we were typing this a huge frog/toad thing just jumped on our window ledge... which is psychotic since it's like 15 feet off the ground!)

We had some great weather this week, and a visit from this terrifying bug on our porch... how freaky is that?

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