Sunday, September 4, 2011

Michigan Living: Summer Week 9

The Ninth Week in Michigan sounded pretty much like this...

Open House... Steak N Shake... Football... Lake... Tornado Siren... Birthday... Lucky... Washer Death... Fire Pit...

Both Rebekah and Danielle had their open house/orientation for school this week. Both got endless attempts at their new locker combinations and an equally numberless walks around the campus routing out their classrooms.

Had to make a trip to Jackson (about an hour away) and stopped at a mid-west institution: Steak N Shake... way better than White Castle if you ask me!

Thursday brought a special treat with the first DeWitt Football home game of the year. It was a thousand degrees and a shutout (DeWitt won!) but super fun nonetheless.

I talked to our "new" vacation/weekend/activity coordinator (admin assistant)- Janet- about ideas of "fun stuff" to do on Friday, and she invited us up to her lake house at Five Lakes-- complete with pontoon, swimming, speed boat, tubes, jet ski, and basically "the best day ever" (a direct quote from Rebekah and Danielle!)

Saturday morning the "now I have to replace my soiled underpants" siren went off (that would be the Tornado siren for you CA readers!)... no cloud, storm, or weather of any kind in the sky, but the siren was wailing. So the ladies went down to the basement with Chris eventually waddling down in a towel since he was half-way through a shower when it happened. Turns out they test those things on the first Saturday of every month (October thru April)-- good to know! (the 911 operator was very helpful.)

Rebekah turned 13!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday celebration began at Five Lakes then dinner and presents on Friday. Saturday morning was spent shopping with Mom for make-up and then learning how to put it on. Rebekah says that this was the best birthday ever!!! And technically it's not over yet since next week she'll take 10 of her new MI friends to a pottery painting place, pizza, and cupcakes-- not too shabby, huh?

Danielle had a psychological breakthrough-- she now loves dogs! At least she likes Golden Retrievers! The folks who owned the awesome lake house also had a beautiful Golden Retriever named Lucky who became Danielle's new best friend. She even began to entertain the thought of getting a dog someday as long as it was like Lucky!!

Our washer decided to die mid load on Friday evening! So we bought a new one on is nice to have a washer that actually cleans clothes!!

Finally we ended this week with a cold evening (something like 68 degrees) in front of a hot fire pit roasting hot dogs and marshmallows for smores! The mosquitoes decided to join us so we came in to blog!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you guys are not only adjusting, but enjoying yourselves over there! We all still miss you here in the 'Poke, but we know you're doing and witnessing great things in DeWitt. Praying for you guys!
