Monday, December 19, 2011

MIchigan Living: Winter Weeks 23-24

So here's the latest happenings in the Carter wanderings

-----Bronners Christmas Emporium-----
Apparently the largest Christmas store on the planet is in a Bavarian styled town called Frankenmuth (sounds like something you get from poor oral hygiene, right?). The name of the store is Bronners and is open 364 days of the year-- oddly enough it's closed on Christmas... So there we headed to get the annual family ornament; something that reflects our adventure for the year. So we found a darling glass bulb with the shape of Michigan painted on it, that the overly friendly Bronner's staff even personalized for us. We took great care getting it home safely, and as one of the ladies (who will remain nameless) was attempting to take the small tag off of it, she dropped it on the table and it shattered into a thousand pieces... oh, well--

---NCC Staff Christmas Party--

We got to be part of our first Northpointe Community Church staff Christmas party... food, friends, fun, and White elephant Gift Exchange. Cool stuff-- all in a beautiful MI style home with icy roads and snow on the porch! We love this place!

-----Snow and Ice-----

Question: Can ice form on rubber?
Answer: Apparently yes... at least on those little nubs on the side of tires-- the proof is in the picture!


We have been married for 16 years-- which is a long time to do just about anything... so in celebration we went to a local steak house and celebrated by eating way too much red meat followed by tinnnnnyyyyy desserts...

-----IPhone 3Gs-----

...Verizon customers eat your hearts out-- we got Emily a new cell phone (yep, it's the older Iphone 3Gs- but way better than what she was using) and it only cost $1.05.
...California customers eat your heart out-- in MI you don't pay the sales tax on new phones based on the regular price, only on the actual price (in other words, in CA we would have paid an extra $30ish in tax because the MSRP of the phone is $375. In MI the price of the phone was $.99 so we only paid a total of $1.05). Let's hear it for MI!!!!!

-----Snow Report-----

So not really too much snow since the initial 1 foot dump and power outage. We had a weekend of flurries and a total accumulation of around an inch-- which mainly meant that it snowed pretty consistently during the day but didn't stick much to the ground (by the way: why does snow melt so quickly from asphalt? Seemed to be gone awfully fast but stayed on every other surface for much longer... any ideas?) So we spent the day Christmas shopping at Target...

All in all Winter hasn't killed us yet. I realize the typical response to this is "Wait 'til February..." Well, we're waiting, but I have this feeling we'll be just as fine then as we are now! And right now we're praying for a White Christmas!

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