Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Michigan Living Week 21: Winter

This was a super short week with Thanksgiving and all...

Wednesday was the beginning of Thanksgiving break for DeWitt kids, so we headed down to Royal Scott bowling alley and bowled a few games, ate pizza, and drank pop (yep, we say pop now... well, Rebekah doesn't because she refuses to adapt to the culture-- just wait, they'll get her!) While Chris dominated with his amazing bowling prowess (is that a positive quality? Cause Fred Flinstone was also a good bowler and not sure anyone wants compared to him?!?) Danielle came a close second-- which totally caused Emily and Rebekah to fall into a deep depression that only massive amounts of turkey could solve! Which is how the rest of the week was spent!

And while we did not get up uber-early for Black Friday, wee did join a local gym who had a cheap Black Friday special sign up deal-- so back to running on treadmills, lifting weights, and showering with odd old men (Chris not Emily... wait, not sure if that's any better...hmmm)

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