Thursday, December 8, 2011

Michigan Living Week 22... and a half

So Emily here and I am blogging mid week because I had one of the coolest experiences today and couldn't wait to tell everyone about it!!!

I have been attending a weekly women's bible study, and during our prayer time we have been praying for a 3rd grader named Autumn who is blind because she has a brain tumor. They can't operate but are trying to get shrink it by using really strong chemo that racks her body, making her really sick. My heart was so touched and burdened for her, I really wanted to do something to encourage her. I decided to have the group write her notes of encouragement on 3x5 cards and then I would braille each one so she could read them (as many of you know I have been taking a braille transcribing course for about a year). So the cool thing is I was invited today to go out and meet Autumn to deliver the brailled cards to her. What a beautiful angel from God. She is the sweetest little girl I have ever met. To look and talk to her your wouldn't know she was sick or struggling. She was so excited to meet me and even more excited to read the cards. It was so awesome to stand there and watch her read something that I brailled!!! I also got to meet her aide and after talking to her I have decided that what she does everyday is exactly what I want to do. So now I am praying that God brings me my own Autumn to work with when I am ready!!!

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