Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Michigan Living Week 22: Winter For Real!

So this was the week of super adventure in our winter wonderland!

Tuesday it snowed-- and apparently not just a regular snow, this was a good one...

...the official report was 10", but when it comes up to your calf that has to be 12" at least. Not only did it snow, but the weight of the snow took out a number of tree branches which apparently are built over electrical power lines to break the fall of the branch when it comes crashing down. However, one of the side effects of having power lines break the branches fall is that they tear the line from the pole, which we learned means the electricity cannot get past that point-- like to our house. And on a side note: when the water to your house runs on a well, which apparently is powered by electricity, it also goes out. So all that to say about 24 hours without power or water...

... but it was absolutely amazing! Tons of space with pure, untouched, pristine snow. Enough for sledding, sloshing, fighting, and snow man building! And the girls even got a snow day out of it-- and on the very first day of snow for the year too!

...and Emily and Christ got to practice their newly acquired snow driving skills-- nobody died!

Then the week got weird as Chris wrenched his knee somehow (no, the good one!) followed by Danielle getting pink-eye from some kid in her class (arrrrrgggghhhhh...)

But by Sunday we are all normal again-- or at least as close to normal as we will ever get! In all an awesome week! Bring on winter!

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