Monday, July 11, 2011

Michigan Living: Day 5

Severe Storm Watch!!!!!

At least that's what said, but honestly it was pretty cool. I walked to work at 8:00 and it was sunny and 86 degrees... then around 9:00 it turned super dark, poured a foot of rain, blasted with sheet and bolt lightening and thunder, and then quit by 11:30 dried up and returned to sunny at 80 degrees. Not too bad for our first 'severe storm' (although we began the day without coats so we got a little wet, but then again some of us - ehem, Rebekah- were trying to get as wet as possible!).

After all that storming we felt like we needed some BIGGBY frappachino coffee and took a little walk around the shopping center.

Here's what we found out about town happenings:

Seems that there is a whole lot of very specified food product commissions in MI. Tomorrow I'll try to get a picture of the Asparagus advisory board... which is good because I really do have some questions about that vegetable, and am looking for some advice!

Meanwhile... the girls got to become official Michiganders by getting their DeWitt Public Library cards. Now they can read again!

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