Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Michigan Living: Day 6

Another gorgeous day in paradise... probably 88 degrees and sunny! Which meant I spent a few hours in the office then headed down to Lansing with the family (about 15 minutes away) to attempt to get a MI drivers license. I had visions of CA DMV in my head and did some Zen breathing to prepare for the purgatory that is DMV, but really all unnecessary! Sure there was a HUGE line to get the papers we needed to fill out to wait until our number was called (they were on number 17 when we started in the line),

but the wait was only about 40 minutes and the employees were super helpful, made the whole precess pretty easy, and were even polite and kinda nice. Totally not y typical governmental agency experience. Is this how it normally is Michiganders? If so, be happy-- not all state governments are the same!

Also, the girls got to spend some of the gift cards they got from Northpointe (from some very generous folks!) at Barnes and Noble (Danielle) and Hobby Lobby (Rebekah). They love spending money. A few more house supplies for Emily and there went the day. As I sit here and type this Emily is at a candle party at a gal from the church's house and the rest of us are watching some past episodes of America's Got Talent. Another great day in the Northern Midwest (still haven't decided is Michigan is in the Midwest or not...)

1 comment:

  1. Hey just read your last few weeks. Congratulations on the new position and new start.
    Enjoy the firebugs!!
