Friday, July 15, 2011

Michigan Living: Day 8-9 California Diversion

Sorry wasn't able to blog yesterday- spent the whole day in the airport to get back to California to perform the wedding of a couple I really dig, Kemper and Joleen. Question: Why can travel that is so technologically advanced be so systematically messed up? Every time I fly through Phoenix on US Airways my plane is delayed by at least 2 hours-- this time it was 4 hours. I shouldn't complain, at least I didn't have to travel by covered wagon for six months and eat two of my friends on the trip!

Today Chris spent the day eating with friends and rehearsing a wedding. Tomorrow will be much of the same-- except the wedding will be for real!

Emily and the girls spent the day at the Lansing Mall losing Danielle's purse which caused a panic meltdown, but then finding it in one of the stores, which caused another meltdown of happiness.

So let's vote blog-readers: who had the better day?

1 comment:

  1. It was great seeing you at the wedding Chris! Hopefully you and the fam are able to make it back to Lompoc every now and then. We miss you guys and we're rootin for ya out there. God bless!
