Saturday, July 23, 2011

Michigan Living: Week Three

Weather Report:
Week Three started with some massive heat and humidity! Temps topping around 95 degrees plus 70% humidity created a heat index of well over 105! Thank God for air conditioning (I actually met a very cool lady today named Michon who said she had no air conditioning in her house- only fans... I felt fer her!) Then continued on to end the week with a couple of days of random thunderstorms (no thunder/lightening though this time). And today turned out to be moderately cool- maybe in the 80's.

Activity Report:

Spent a lot of time at malls and the car mechanic this week. We got a name of a guy in town who does car repairs for a ton of folks in the church named John E... so we had him make friends with both of our vehicles. Cool part = he's super reasonable! Super cool part = he's pretty good. So far he diagnosed both vehicle problems without even trying very hard (something Perry's was never able to do for some reason!). The malls were a little more fun: we watch Harry Potter part 900- I mean Deathly Hallows Part 2-- at the coolest theater (NCG for you locals...)while Emily and Danielle saw Zookeeper (funny stuff!!!), and then tonight ate at Olive Garden and walked around the Meridian Mall (where Danielle accidentally 'electrocuted' herself with a trick pen that she failed to read the sign about before handling- lesson learned!?!).

Citizenship Report:
Emily and I are now officially citizens of Michigan. We both got our drivers' license in the mail this week and registered our vehicles which meant a change of license plate from CA to MI. Now we're locals!

Church Report:
First full week of being the Student Life Pastor at Northpointe Community Church. Mainly got the orientation to all things form and paperwork, as well as Sam's Club card, tax exempt at Wal-Mart, HSA, and more papery type stuff. Then today got to pick up some rental vans for the missions trip leaving tomorrow and hosted a 'get to know the Student Life Pastor open house' for part of the afternoon. It was cool to see so many folks show up to find out who were are-- or maybe it was more to just check out the house? either way it was cool!

In general we're doing good. So far Michigan has not claimed our lives... but I suppose it's still early. As a matter of fact, the lady working the customer service counter at Sam's Club was certain we wouldn't make it through the winter. She told us to come visit her in January and tell her how we're doing. It's a date!

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